Cosmetic dentistry, Veneers & Implants Structural Repairs And Replacements

Veneers are used on front teeth to improve aesthetics. They can be used to bring mildly out of line teeth into a smooth regular arch, replace chipped biting edges, restore worn front teeth back to their original size and can also be used where there have been small chips or stained fillings to give back the “perfect” tooth appearance. It has the advantage of minimal preparation to the natural tooth structure.

Crowns and Bridges

In addition, higher quality/cosmetic crowns can be placed and treatment plans are tailored to individual needs/requirements and cost.


  • An implant acts as a replacement tooth and is created from a titanium stud that is placed within the jawbone. The titanium stud naturally fuses with the bone and acts as a replacement root. A false tooth is then connected to the titanium stud once fusion is complete.
  • We have the facility of providing this service through Dr Cope & Dr Surj who uses the Noble BioCare System and has over 20 years experience in this procedure.
  • To book in for a consultation to assess whether you are a suitable case costs an initial £100. The cost for the provision of an implant in a healthy patient is usually £2700, and this may increase dependent upon individual requirements.